image of a mission

Early California Population Project

Database of Baptism, Marriage, and Burial Records from California Missions

The Early California Population Project (ECPP) is a database developed by the Huntington Library providing public access to all the information contained in the California mission registers from 1769–1850. It includes baptism, marriage, and burial records of each of the California missions, providing historical information on the Indians, soldiers, and settlers of Alta California.

July 2023 - Project Update

The ECPP online database was first released more than 15 years ago and is now a key resource for a wide range of people and communities with an interest in the California missions, Native Californians, and the Pobladores through 1850. Through a partnership with the University of California, Riverside, and The Huntington, the ECPP database and interface have been upgraded for a better user experience and improved security for the long-term viability of the project.

Access the Database


This project made possible through major grants from:


The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation

Additional support provided by:
The Dan Murphy Foundation
Giles W. & Elise G. Mead Foundation

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in conjunction with this project do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.