Becoming America: Thinking through Identity, Culture, and Traditions in Early America
Interdisciplinary, object-based investigations looking into different themes in early American art, culture, and humanities.

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Historians are like detectives looking for clues about what happened in the past. Once you know how to read an object you can unlock fascinating stories from history and even the world around you.

Americans have long created an identity based on distinct principles and values that define the country. This unit explores the tensions between being an individual and being part of a group or nation and provides insight into what it means to be an individual in America, today and centuries ago.

America was founded on the principles of equality, freedom, liberty, and respect for individual rights. But these ideals have not always applied to everyone, and many Americans have fought since the founding of this country to broaden those values so that they apply to all Americans.

The notion that innovation and change leads to progress is at the heart of the American character, but Americans also value tradition. This unit explores a wide range of traditions and innovations in American society. When is progress worth the loss of tradition and certain ways of life?