Activity: Judgement and Group Belonging 

Activity: Judgement and Group Belonging  - Body

  1. Review the concepts of in-groups and out-groups. Have the class make a list of their in-groups. Consider the following:
    1. Teams
    2. Places in their school, city, state, nation
    3. Manner of dress and fashion: how clothing communicates group affiliation
    4. Religion, ethnicity, race, or other demographic identity groups
    5. Political ideas
    6. Any other groups (formal or informal) that they identify with
  2. Ask the group to consider how these groups influence behavior. Have you ever unfairly judged a person who was different from you?
  3. Make a history connection: Based on the list of different types of in-groups, ask the class to think of different groups in the United States, past or present, that may have been in-groups or out-groups. What do we know about their stories or behaviors toward other groups?
  4. Select or identify a historical incident that reflects an issue or controversy with an in-group or out-group that has changed over time.
    1. Have students create two lists: In Column A list current stances, values, and judgments related to the situation. In Column B describe the past stances, values, and judgments.
    2. Compare the two perspectives. What has changed?
    3. Why did people think differently in the past?