Activity: Judgement and Group Belonging
Activity: Judgement and Group Belonging - Body
- Review the concepts of in-groups and out-groups. Have the class make a list of their in-groups. Consider the following:
- Teams
- Places in their school, city, state, nation
- Manner of dress and fashion: how clothing communicates group affiliation
- Religion, ethnicity, race, or other demographic identity groups
- Political ideas
- Any other groups (formal or informal) that they identify with
- Ask the group to consider how these groups influence behavior. Have you ever unfairly judged a person who was different from you?
- Make a history connection: Based on the list of different types of in-groups, ask the class to think of different groups in the United States, past or present, that may have been in-groups or out-groups. What do we know about their stories or behaviors toward other groups?
- Select or identify a historical incident that reflects an issue or controversy with an in-group or out-group that has changed over time.
- Have students create two lists: In Column A list current stances, values, and judgments related to the situation. In Column B describe the past stances, values, and judgments.
- Compare the two perspectives. What has changed?
- Why did people think differently in the past?