Be a Plant Detective - Body
- "Plant Clues" sheet
- Plant photos (included below)
- Select one of the plants from the carousel below.
- Use the “Plant Clues” sheets (page 1) to record your observations as you identify and describe the plant’s organs.
- Conduct research! Explore the information in Plant Parts & Patterns, Looking at Leaves, Water Is Life, Getting Food, and the Plant Spotlights. Use the "Plant Clues" sheets (page 2) to record your notes.
- Decide where you think The Huntington should keep this plant, and share your reasoning using the "Plant Clues" sheets (page 3.)
- Complete a drawing, essay, or paragraph, speech, slideshow, etc. answering the question: What kind of environment do you think this plant grows in? Why?
- Design a garden that features this plant. What other plants will you include?
- Use your new plant detective skills to read the plants in your garden or neighborhood. Are they getting everything they need to survive? If not, can you help them?