K–12 Educator Saturday Workshop with USC U.S.-China Institute: The Chinese Garden as a Teaching Tool

Discover how to incorporate the Chinese Garden into K–12 teaching. Gain a historical framework from Huntington curator Phillip Bloom, explore supporting educator resources, and practice engagement strategies.

Learn how you can use the Chinese Garden as a teaching tool with your students. Hear about classical-style Chinese gardens from curator Phillip Bloom, explore related Huntington educator resources, practice engagement strategies you can use with your students, and spend some time immersing yourself in the garden.

Key Details

  • This program is for K–12 educators.
  • Free with registration.
  • Comfortable shoes are recommended as a portion of the workshop involves standing and walking on dirt, stone, and concrete paths.

Program Schedule

10 a.m. Workshop begins with overview of Huntington resources
10:50 a.m. Break
11 a.m. Chinese Garden presentation and Q&A
11:50 a.m. Guided stops in the Chinese Garden
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1 p.m. Workshop ends

If you have any accessibility needs, please email learning coordinator Kristin Brisbois at kbrisbois@huntington.org.

This workshop is in collaboration with The Huntington and sponsored by the USC U.S.-China Institute. It is offered in partnership with the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia and with support from the Freeman Foundation.