Don't miss our most popular plant sale of the year!
Find the trendiest new plants, the most-sought-after collectibles, and all the popular favorites at the Spring Plant Sale, which has become an annual rite for Southern California gardeners. Shop for:
roses and rose trees
cacti and succulents
fruit trees and fruiting plants
vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and more)
tropical and carnivorous plants
and California, Southwest, and Australia natives
Tom Carruth, The Huntington’s E.L. and Ruth B. Shannon Curator of the Rose Collection, will be on hand to assist shoppers with their rose selections.
For your shopping convenience, we recommend that you bring a wagon or cart to carry your purchases.
Capacity is limited. Reservations with timed entry tickets required. Your Plant Sale tickets include admission to The Huntington. No additional reservation required.