The Tale of the Popenoes, Altadena’s West India Garden, and the Fuerte Avocado

Michele Zack–writer, historian, and current Alan Jutzi Fellow at The Huntington–presents an illustrated talk on the plant-exploring Popenoe family, who in the early 20th century introduced many subtropical fruits to California.

Michele Zack–writer, historian, and current Alan Jutzi Fellow at The Huntington–presents an illustrated talk on the plant-exploring Popenoe family, who in the early 20th century introduced many subtropical fruits to California. The Fuerte Avocado, sourced in Mexico and first grafted and cultivated in Altadena at Frederick O. Popenoe’s West India Garden (WIG), was the industry standard until being eclipsed by the Hass. Zack also touches on the next generation of Popenoes in their varied and surprising careers.

This is a Second Thursday Garden Talk. Plant sale follows in the Plant Sale Nursery.