Preservation and Conservation
The Huntington’s library and art collections comprise extraordinary books, manuscripts, photographs, prints, paintings, sculpture, and other works of art. Preservation at The Huntington is responsible for ensuring that these collections survive, in their original formats, for the use and enjoyment of future generations. Activities focus on the skilled treatment and repair of individual items and the long-term preservation of the collections.
Conservation Center
The Huntington addressed preservation and conservation concerns beginning in the 1920s with the construction of fire- and earthquake-proof rare book stacks and the establishment of a bookbindery. In 1981, the construction of the Avery Conservation Center ushered in a new era of comprehensive preservation and conservation activity. An updated 10,000-square-foot laboratory was built in 2004 in the Munger Research Center and includes a book and paper laboratory, wet/chemical laboratories, a photo documentation studio, a particulate room, and offices.
Conservators and technicians examine and treat rare books, manuscripts, works of art on paper, photographic materials and paintings to ensure they are accessible today and for the future. Activities include:
- preventive and collections-level conservation
- single-item conservation treatment of collection materials
- reviewing and preparing library items for digitization
- reviewing and preparing art and library materials for exhibition and loan
- environmental monitoring and control
- integrated pest management
- emergency preparedness
Education, Training, Outreach
Education, training, and outreach are an important part of Preservation at The Huntington. For information about internships, and to learn about the contributions of internship recipients, see conservation internships.
For guides on caring for your collections or to find a conservator in your area, please visit the American Institute for Conservation. The Huntington is unable to provide conservation treatment or appraisal services to the public.