conservationist inpainting The Blue Boy portrait

Project Blue Boy: Conservation

Between Sept. 2018 and March, 2020, one of the most iconic artworks in British and American history, The Blue Boy, made around 1770 by English painter Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788), underwent its first major technical examination and conservation treatment in public view.

Select a topic to explore the conservation science of The Blue Boy
Visible Light | Cross-Section | Ultraviolet | Infrared | X-ray

The Blue Boy (ca. 1770) by Thomas Gainsborough shown in normal light photography, digital x-radiography, and infrared reflectography

The Blue Boy shown in normal light photography, digital x-radiography, and infrared reflectography.

A diagram depicting the electromagnetic spectrum, where on the left is increased wavelength, and on the right is increased frequency.

Visible Light and Cross-Section wavelength ~400-700 nm

Infrared Reflectography (IRR) wavelength ~900-1700 nm

Ultraviolet Light Wavelength ~320-400 nm

X-radiography (X-ray) wavelength Less than 10 nm

Visible light

Wavelength ~400-700 nm

Visible light reveals details about the artist’s techniques and the materials that were used to create the painting. By carefully studying the surface, a conservator may discover such condition issues as abraded or cracked paint or discolored overpaint that no longer matches the surrounding original paint.

A diagram showing layers of a painting under visible light.
A detail of a painting showing overpainting on the canvas.

Details Under Visible Light

Some condition issues are readily visible under normal light. For example, this detail from The Blue Boy’s far left edge illustrates that the overpaint, or non-original colors added during past conservation, has become discolored.

A detail view of a painting, showing abrasions on the artwork.

Details Under Visible Light

This detail shows where a thinly painted area has worn away, barely concealing the abandoned portrait of a man wearing a thick white neckcloth.

A reverse of a painting revealing the canvas structure.

Details Under Visible Light

This detail from the back of the stretcher displays where Charles Holmes, then director of London's National Gallery, wrote his goodbye before the painting left for the United States: “Au revoir, CH.”

A diagram of a painting showing texture

Details Under Visible Light

Raking light, or light angled across the painting, highlights texture: how the paint was applied and where it is cracked or lifting from the surface.

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Cross-Section Analysis

Wavelength ~400-700 nm

Cross-section analysis involves embedding a tiny sample in resin and viewing all of the layers under a microscope. This type of analysis shows that the lower layer for The Blue Boy, a double ground, contains lead white and chalk, with some yellow ocher and a few black particles mixed in to create an off-white preparatory layer. The abandoned portrait’s flesh tones were created with lead white and vermilion, which was then covered by a layer of gray.

A diagram showing layers of a painting and a cross-section.
A microscopic view of a cross-section of a painting, depicting layers of material.

Microscopic Materials

On the left is a cross-section of a minuscule sample from the painting’s top edge, showing the colors and materials that were used in each layer. Click the arrows to see a color-coded map of the individual elements.

A microscopic view of a cross-section of a painting, depicting layers of material.

Microscopic Materials

On the left is a cross-section of a minuscule sample from the painting’s top edge, showing the colors and materials that were used in each layer. Click the arrows to see a color-coded map of the individual elements.

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Ultraviolet Light

Wavelength ~320-400 nm

Ultraviolet light helps conservators distinguish certain surface materials, such as varnishes or overpaint, because they interact differently with this type of light. A particular varnish, for instance, may fluoresce, or reflect back a characteristic color. Overpaint, on the other hand, may not fluoresce, revealing where prior conservation work has occurred.

A diagram showing layers of a painting under ultraviolet light.
A cropped view of "The Blue Boy."

Details Under Ultraviolet Light

Ultraviolet (UV) light reveals details about the materials that are not visible to the human eye. UV illumination shows overpaint from previous restorations; the overpaint absorbs UV light, but the varnish fluoresces.

A cropped view of "The Blue Boy" under ultraviolet light.

Details Under Ultraviolet Light

Ultraviolet (UV) light reveals details about the materials that are not visible to the human eye. UV illumination shows overpaint from previous restorations; the overpaint absorbs UV light, but the varnish fluoresces.

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Infrared Reflectography

Wavelength ~900-1700 nm

Infrared reflectography (IRR) uses wavelengths beyond the red end of the light spectrum to look through the upper paint layers. What can be seen depends on the thickness of the paint, the type of paint used, and the IRR wavelength. For instance, IRR displays how Gainsborough covered over an earlier portrait with dark paint. Only the face and the outlines of the shoulders were painted, confirming that he abandoned the portrait at an early stage.

A diagram showing layers of a painting under infrared light.

Infrared reflectography (IRR) provides details about paint layers that are beneath the surface. Gainsborough used a dark paint to cover the abandoned portrait before painting The Blue Boy.

Animation of a painting of a boy in extravagant blue clothing from color to infrared.

Infrared imaging reveals Gainsborough's preparatory lines, including one along the side of the boy's body; it also shows how he disguised the figure of a dog he decided to eliminate from the composition by covering it with foliage.

Animated yellow lines animate on an infrared photo of a painting reveling darker preperatory lines.


Wavelength Less than 10 nm

X-rays pass through all of the layers of a painting, showing ones that are invisible from the surface. This can provide clues about how a painting was made, the ways in which the artist changed the composition, and evidence of earlier damage. For instance, X-rays of The Blue Boy capture the complexity of Gainsborough’s layered brushstrokes, especially in the costume. They also reveal the structure and condition of the underlying wooden support.

A diagram showing layers of a painting under x-ray.

X-rays reveal the details of a man’s face, a repaired tear in the lower left, and a dog that Gainsborough initially painted, then decided against. X-rays provide a glimpse of a portrait that Gainsborough began but then abandoned before deciding to reuse the canvas.

An x-ray image of "The Blue Boy."

The Huntington Library, Art Musem, and Botanical Gardens.


Project Blue Boy

Who was Thomas Gainsborough and who were his influences? And just who was that boy in blue? Learn more about the history of The Blue Boy.


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Text and photos by Christina O'Connell

Graphics design by Catherine Bell

SEM-EDS analysis and imaging of cross-sections courtesy of Dr. Gregory D. Smith, Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields