Self-Guided Visits
Frequently Asked Questions
- After registering for a program, what is the next step?
You will receive an automatic email confirming your reservation. You must read, sign, and return the waiver included in this email. Within 3-6 weeks of your visit, you will receive an email with pre-visit information and will be asked to confirm the information provided during registration.
- Can my group bring lunch?
Yes. You are welcome to bring lunch and eat it in our public picnic area near the bus drop-off zone. Our staff will direct groups to the picnic area upon arrival. You must store lunches and backpacks in the bus or picnic area until your designated lunch time after 12 p.m.
Please note that picnicking or bringing outside food or beverages (except water) onto the grounds is not permitted.
- Does The Huntington take checks?
If you cannot pay by credit card, please email schoolprograms@huntington.org to register for a school program.
Do School Programs take place rain or shine?
Yes. All School Programs take place rain or shine.
How are groups larger than 110 people accommodated?
If you want to register groups larger than 110 contact schoolprograms@huntington.org.
- How do I prepare my students for their learning experience?
- Review the Field Trip Guide you received in your email.
- Watch the pre-visit video and the “Close Looking at The H” videos.
- For garden-focused activity suggestions for before and during the visit, please email schoolprograms@huntington.org.
- For interdisciplinary learning resources for use in the classroom, visit our Digital Classroom Resources page.
How do I register 1:1 student aides?
We welcome 1:1 student aides. When registering for your visit online, please register them as teachers/chaperones. However, we do not count 1:1 student aides toward the minimum chaperone count (ratio of 1:10 chaperones per student). This allows 1:1 student aides to focus their attention on the student in their care while another adult is present and responsible for the conduct of the rest of the group.
How does bus reimbursement work?
Bus reimbursement is available to all groups, regardless of visit type. You will receive a bus reimbursement form within two weeks of your visit if you indicated interest during registration. Reimbursement is available up to $600 per bus.
- How late can my group stay?
Please depart before 4:45 p.m.
- What is my role and the chaperones’ during the program?
You must be present and bring at least one adult chaperone for every 10 students attending the program. All chaperones are expected to follow the School Group Code of Conduct and are responsible for ensuring their student group remains safe and behaves in a respectful manner toward Huntington staff, volunteers and the collections. Please note that 1:1 student aides are not counted as chaperones. They are counted separately from the student to adult ratios.
- What is The Huntington’s policy about wearing masks during visits?
Following the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health guidance, mask-wearing is optional for everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
- When should my group arrive?
You must arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time. This allows ample time for parking, check-in, greetings, and instructions. Arriving too early hinders our staff's ability to serve you properly.
Still have questions? Email us at schoolprograms@huntington.org