Joel A. Klein, Ph.D.

Molina Curator for the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Curatorial Department (626-405-2203)
Joel A. Klein, Ph.D., stewards the history of medicine and pre-1800 science collections at The Huntington. He received his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science at Indiana University and has had postdoctoral positions at Columbia University and the Science History Institute. Klein's research concerns the history of early-modern medicine and science with a focus on the intersections among medicine, chemistry, and matter theory. He has worked on several digital projects, including “The Chymistry of Isaac Newton,” and explores the material culture of science and medicine through the reconstruction of historical experiments and techniques.
A physician attends to a bedridden patient and observes a flask of what is likely urine. Urinalysis was among the most common diagnostic tools of medieval medicine. Detail from Es spricht der…
Illustration of Isaac Newton (1643–1727) in Encyclopaedia Londinensis, or Universal dictionary of arts, sciences & literature . . . compiled, digested, and arranged by John Wilkes . . .…