Bare Root Rose Talk and Sale

Join Tom Carruth, curator of the Rose Collections, as he reviews the varieties available at this year's sale, discussing the various colors, scents, growth habits, and best planting practices.

Join us for one of the last remaining bare root rose sales in Southern California. At this popular Second Thursday Garden Talk, Tom Carruth, E.L. & Ruth B. Shannon Curator of the Rose Collection, will review the roses available at this year's bare root sale, discussing the various colors, scents, growth habits, and best planting practices.

Immediately following the talk, attendees can head over to the nursery to purchase bare root roses. Shoppers are encouraged to bring reusable shopping bags. Wet newspaper will be provided to wrap the bare root plants for the trip home. Bare root roses are a wonderful bargain and cost considerably less than plants already in bloom. Plant them now for springtime beauty.

Key Details

  • Reservations required to attend the talk. Admission to The Huntington not required.
  • Staff will be available to shuttle attendees to the Plant Sale Nursery.
  • No early-bird shopping.
  • Rain or shine.