Now Blooming: The Orchid Collection
With more than 10,000 orchid plants, The Huntington houses one of the largest orchid collections in the United States. The extensive diversity of orchids within the collections enables staff to display blooming orchids year-round in The Rose Hills Foundation Conservatory, where examples of rare plants are rotated on a regular basis for the public to view, appreciate, and interpret.
The Huntington has won more than 100 awards from the American Orchid Society, including six first class certificates and three certificates of cultural excellence.

Laelia purpurata var. rosa cereja x Laelia purpurata ‘Coleao’

Coelogyne pandurata

Cattleya Hausermann’s Firewings

Masdevallia infracta ‘Huntington’s Angel’

Brassia Rex ‘Sakata’

Paphiopedilum Armeni White

Paphiopedilum Berenice ‘Blumen Insel’

Trichopilia suavis

Paphiopedilum tigrinum ‘Huntington’s Crouching Tiger’

Paphiopedilum Dollgoldi ‘Laurie Susan Weltz’

Varieties of blooms can vary by season and are subject to change based on weather patterns and other factors. Stay up to date with bloom reports on our social media channels. TikTok | Facebook | Instagram
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