Just-for-Kids Tour

1. Follow the signs to the Virginia Steele Scott Galleries of American Art. Making breakfast 200 years ago took a lot more time than it does today. Before electric toasters existed, people used a metal tool to toast their bread over a fire. Can you find the two toasting tools on the wall?

2. The Chinese Garden is full of animals. How many can you find? Some are alive, like the ducks and fish in the pond, and some are made of stone. Can you pet a lion dog? The answer is yes! Go ahead.

3. Next stop: The Rose Hills Foundation Conservatory for Botanical Science—a big, glass-domed building where you’ll find the “Plants Are Up to Something” exhibition. Go inside and look for the Plant Lab. Find the seeds that ride the wind to fly. Why would a seed need to fly?

4. End your journey in the Helen and Peter Bing Children’s Garden. Go through the kid-sized blue door and follow the leaf prints to the Sonic Pool. Watch the water dance. Close your eyes. What does the water sound like? Next, find the Pebble Chimes and make up your own song to the music of small stones.