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News, stories, features, videos and podcasts by The Huntington.


A Short History of Planet Formations

Mon., April 18, 2016
Anat Shahar, staff scientist in the geophysical laboratory at the Carnegie Institution for Science, explores terrestrial planets and discusses what laboratory experiments can reveal about the conditions that formed them. This event is part of the Carnegie Astronomy Lecture Series

The Fabricated American Desert

Thu., April 14, 2016 | Lyle Massey
Humans have negotiated the desert for millennia, finding in it equal measures of sustenance, terror, beauty—and, above all, a dwelling place. To explore issues of human intervention in and on the American desert, my colleague James Nisbet and I have organized a conference at The Huntington

Bee’s-Eye Views

Mon., April 11, 2016 | Diana W. Thompson
While traveling in the Amazon region of Ecuador, award-winning photographer David Leaser had an epiphany. What if he could use a computer to help him capture images of the tiniest flowers on the rainforest floor and blow them up to dazzling effect in large format prints?

Spirit Boys

Thu., April 7, 2016 | Cora Gilroy-Ware
Wander through any major collection of European art, and you will find them in abundance. Travel to England, Germany, France, Spain, or Italy, and chances are that one will catch your eye. A winged head of curly hair with apple cheeks, sculpted in relief
Beyond The H

Into the Fold

Mon., April 4, 2016 | Diana W. Thompson
One of The Huntington's partner schools is Esteban E. Torres High School in East Los Angeles. Last month, students from their Engineering and Technology Academy visited The Huntington as part of a yearlong program


Wed., March 30, 2016 | Susan Turner-Lowe
The first time I walked into the office of Laurie Sowd, The Huntington's vice president for operations, I thought I was in the wrong place. This was the person in charge of multimillion dollar construction activities, security, information technology

Saving the Birds

Thu., March 24, 2016 | Daniel Lewis
The Huntington acquires the papers of an award-winning Hawaiian naturalistWhen it comes to the study of Hawaiian birds, few scientists can rival Sheila Conant, professor emerita and former chair of the zoology department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa

Who Was Adah Isaacs Menken?

Thu., March 24, 2016 | Diana W. Thompson
In a library collection as deep as the one at The Huntington, it's not unusual for scholars to encounter items that propel them on new paths of research. That's what happened recently to The Huntington's 2015–16 Los Angeles Times Distinguished Fellow, Shirley R. Samuels

Press Release - New Wing and Entrance to American Art Galleries to Open in October

Thu., March 24, 2016
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens announced today that its new 8,600 square-foot addition to the Virginia Steele Scott Galleries of American Art will open on Oct. 22. Named after the lead donors for the $10.3 million building project, the Jonathan and Karin Fielding Wing includes 5,000 square...

The Flowering of Color Printing

Mon., March 21, 2016 | David H. Mihaly
In "The Artist's Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement, 1887–1920"—the exhibition on view in The Huntington's MaryLou and George Boone Gallery through May 9—you can catch a glimpse of a 19th-century innovation

Oil Exploration, Family, and Photography

Thu., March 17, 2016 | Noeme Santana
Ralph Arnold (1875–1961) was an eminent petroleum engineer, geologist, local Pasadena resident—and an avid photographer. Photography was an essential part of his fieldwork, but he also used the medium to document his family life.

Press Release - Yasuhiro Ishimoto's Photographs of Greene & Greene Architecture to Go on View for First Time in the U.S.

Tue., March 15, 2016
Japanese-American photographer Yasuhiro Ishimoto’s photographs of Greene & Greene architecture will be shown for the first time in the United States in a focused loan exhibition on view at The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens from June 18 through Oct. 3, 2016.