Available Fellowships
Long-Term Awards | Short-Term Awards | Travel Grants and Exchange Fellowships
NEW! Center for East Asian Garden Studies Fellowship
June and Simon K.C. Li Fellowship in East Asian Garden and Landscape Studies supports research in East Asian garden and landscape studies by scholars at any stage of career. Fellows will spend three to twelve months in residence at The Huntington between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026, where they will engage in research and participate in public programs. The fellowship provides a stipend of up to $50,000, depending on the length of the award. Get more information about the Center for East Asian Garden Studies.
Eligibility: Scholars at any stage of their career from ABD onward.
To apply: Send a project description (maximum 1500 words), a description of Huntington collections to consult (300 words), and a work plan (200 words), along with a 1-page project bibliography and a c.v. (maximum 3 pages) to fellowships@huntington.org. Please arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to this address as well. All materials must be received by December 1, 2024, and award notifications will be made in February 2025.
New! Berger Trust Future Leaders Fellowship
Berger Trust Future Leaders Fellowship in the History of British Art provides early career scholars and museum professionals with a 10-month residential fellowship, divided between The Huntington and Trinity Hall, Cambridge to support research in the history of British Art, understood here to extend to the traditions of visual culture not only in the United Kingdom but also in the contexts of the British Empire, Commonwealth, and post-Commonwealth nations. The fellowship provides a stipend of $50,000, with additional support for travel and health insurance.
Eligibility: faculty members and curators in the first seven years of employment at their institutions.
To apply: Applications are by nomination only, from candidates’ head of department (or equivalent). Nominations will be accepted from 1 November 2024 through 31 January 2025, with the Fellowship to begin 1 September 2025. Find further information about the Fellowship and nominating process.
Long-Term Awards
The Huntington offers 13 academic year fellowships for nine to 11 months in residence, each with a stipend of $50,000, and 2 academic term fellowships for 4-5 months in residence with a stipend of $25,000. Although nine of the academic year fellowships are open to scholars working on projects in any area where The Huntington’s collections are strong, there are specific awards for maritime history (the Kemble Fellowship), the history of medicine (the Molina Fellowship), and the history of science (the Dibner Fellowship). Three awards (the Thom Fellowships) are reserved for recent postdoctoral scholars. The academic term fellowships are open to scholars working on projects in any of The Huntington’s collections strengths.
Long-term fellows are expected to be in continuous residence at The Huntington. Academic year fellows present at a two-day introductory symposium in September, and participate in weekly working group sessions from October to May. Academic term fellows participate in the weekly working group sessions for the term in which they are in residence.
Academic Year Fellowships
Eligibility: Only those who hold a Ph.D. or who have successfully defended a dissertation by the application deadline are eligible.
Tenure of fellowship: Between nine and 11 months
Value of award: $50,000
Dibner Fellowship in the History of Science and Technology
Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections in the history of science and technology.
Dana and David Dornsife Fellowship
Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections. Preference may be given to projects in the history of the American West in general and of California in particular.
Kemble Fellowship in Maritime History
Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections in maritime history. Relevant fields might include the history of oceans and oceanography, coastlines and littorals, and global trade and migration.
Mellon Fellowship
Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections.
Molina Fellowship in the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections in the history of medicine and related sciences, including public health.
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships
Eligibility: Applicants must be citizens of the United States or foreign nationals with a minimum of three years of U.S. residence.
Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections.
Barbara Thom Postdoctoral Fellowships
Eligibility: Nontenured faculty
The Thom Fellowships are intended to support nontenured faculty who are revising their dissertation for publication as their first monograph. Applicants must be pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to The Huntington’s collections and must have received their Ph.D. after Dec. 31, 2019.
Academic Term Fellowships
Eligibility: Only those who hold a Ph.D. or who have successfully defended a dissertation by the application deadline are eligible.
Tenure of fellowship: Between four and five months
Value of award: $25,000
Short-Term Awards
Eligibility: Graduate students; faculty members; postdoctoral scholars; and independent researchers working on a scholarly project served by our collections.
Tenure of fellowship: Between one and three months
Value of award: $3,500 per month.
Note: Applicants do not need to mention specific fellowships in their applications. However, we do offer a number of specialized fellowships, which include (but are not limited to):
- Octavia E. Butler Fellowship for the study of Octavia E. Butler, science fiction and/or her archives
- Francis Bacon Foundation Fellowships in the history and literature of Renaissance England
- The Cheng Fellowship in the History of the Asian American Experience in the United States
- The Trent R. Dames Fellowship in the History of Civil Engineering
- The Dibner Fellowship in the History of Science and Technology
- The Duncan Gleason Fellowship in California Maritime History
- Huntington Fellowship in the Materiality of Print Culture
- Christopher Isherwood Foundation Fellowships
- The Gloria R. Lothrop Fellowship in Western American Women’s History
- The Reese Fellowship in American Bibliography and the History of the Book in the Americas
- The Shapiro Center for American History and Culture Fellowship
- The Francis J. Weber Research Fellowship in Roman Catholic History
- The Howard and Dawn Weinbrot Research Fellowship for the study of Eighteenth-Century British Society and Culture
Independent Scholars: We have a number of short-term fellowships that specifically support research by independent and unaffiliated scholars:
- The Alan Jutzi Residential Fellowship for Non-Traditional Scholars
- The Elizabeth B. Motika Fellowship in Architectural History
- The Thomas W. Wilkins Fellowship to encourage greater diversity among the scholars who use The Huntington’s collections
Travel Grants and Exchange Fellowships for Study Abroad
Travel Grants
Exchange Fellowships
Watch this webinar to learn more about Exchange fellowships and the collections and archives available at our partner institutions.
The Huntington offers several joint professorships and collaborative fellowships with other institutions and organizations. See Joint Professorships/Collaborative Fellowships for more information.