Collaborative Fellowships and Joint Professorships
The Huntington offers:
- One joint professorship with Occidental College
- One collaborative long-term fellowship in the History of British Art with Trinity Hall, Cambridge
- Collaborative short-term fellowships with the Shakespeare Association of America; with the North American Conference on British Studies; with the Renaissance Society of America; with the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association; with the Western History Association; with the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
- Short-term fellowships under the Arts and Humanities Research Council International Placement Scheme
Joint Professorship
The Ray Allen Billington Chair in American History at Occidental College and The Huntington is offered every other year to a distinguished historian of the Americas who wishes to conduct research in The Huntington’s collections and to undertake a moderate teaching commitment in the History Department at Occidental College. For further details, contact Michael Gasper, Associate Professor and Department Services Coordinator, at gasper@oxy.edu.
Collaborative Long-Term Fellowships
The Berger Trust Future Leaders Fellowship in the History of British Art
Eligibility: Faculty members in their first seven years of appointment in an institution of higher education; curators in their first seven years of appointment in an art gallery or museum. Candidates must be nominated by their Head or Chair of Department (or equivalent). Self-nominations are not permitted. Interested applicants should contact their Head or Chair of Department for more information.
This Fellowship seeks to enrich and diversify the history of British art by supporting its future leaders. Scholars and museum professionals of exceptional promise and demonstrable achievement will be given dedicated research time in which to develop new projects that will further their career development goals and advance scholarship in British visual culture. Fellows may be exploring visual culture in the United Kingdom itself, or those of the British Empire more broadly, including Commonwealth countries, and post-Commonwealth nations.
The fellow will be provided with a stipend of $50,000 intended to buy them out of normal professional duties for ten months, during which time they will have periods of residence at both The Huntington and in Cambridge. Up to $12,000 will be provided to cover economy round-trip travel and health insurance costs.
Collaborative Short-Term Fellowships
New Chaucer Society Early Career Fellowship
The New Chaucer Society, in collaboration with the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, offers annually a one-month Early Career Fellowship to support advanced research in the history, literature and culture of the time of Chaucer in the collections of The Huntington. The amount of the fellowship is $3500. The successful applicant will also be able to claim travel expenses (using the most economical available option). Apply directly to NCS.
Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Short-Term Fellowship
This fellowship is for postdoctoral scholars or Ph.D. candidates affiliated with the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies who wish to use The Huntington’s collections to study the history, literature, and culture of the period 1450 to 1700. The award carries a stipend of $3,500. Apply directly to ACMRS.
ASECS Huntington Library Short-Term Fellowship
This fellowship is for postdoctoral scholars or Ph.D. candidates who reside outside the Los Angeles metro area and wish to use The Huntington’s collections to study the period 1660 to 1815. The award carries a stipend of $3,500. Applicants must be members of ASECS at the time of the award. Apply directly to ASECS.
Florida Atlantic University-Huntington Fellowship
Three advanced graduate students will receive two-month fellowships. The group will spend the month of October in residence using Florida Atlantic University Libraries’ Marvin and Sybil Weiner Spirit of America Collection in Boca Raton, Florida, and each individual will take a second month at The Huntington Library at a time of their choosing between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026. Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $2,500 from FAU and $3,500 from The Huntington in support of their residencies at the two institutions. More information and application instructions.
The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association/Huntington Library Fellowship
The fellow will be awarded a one-month fellowship to be taken at The Huntington. The award carries a stipend of $3,000. All members of the RMMLA, especially graduate students and junior faculty, are eligible and encouraged to apply. Apply directly to RMMLA.
The North American Conference on British Studies/Huntington Library Fellowship
The fellow will be awarded a one-month fellowship to be taken at The Huntington. The award carries a stipend of $3,500. Applicants must be advanced graduate students at the time of application. Apply directly to the NACBS.
The Renaissance Society of America/Huntington Library Fellowship
Two fellowships tenable at The Huntington will be awarded: one in the field of Renaissance studies and one in Renaissance art history. Each award carries a stipend of $3,500 (or $4,000 for those traveling from outside North America). Holders of the Ph.D. (or equivalent) or doctoral students at the dissertation stage are eligible to apply. For more information and how to apply visit Renaissance Society of America fellowships.
The Shakespeare Association of America/Huntington Fellowship
The Shakespeare Association of America will award a one-month fellowship to be held at The Huntington. The award carries a stipend of $3,500. Applicants must be SAA members in good standing. For more information about the fellowship and how to apply to SAA, visit Shakespeare Association of America.
The Western History Association/Huntington Library Martin Ridge Fellowship
The fellow will be awarded a one-month fellowship to be taken at The Huntington. The award carries a stipend of $3,500. Holders of a Ph.D. (or equivalent) or doctoral students at the dissertation stage are eligible to apply. Apply directly to the WHA.
Arts and Humanities Research Council International Placement Scheme: Short-Term Fellowship
Eligibility: Applicants must have a contract with a U.K. research organization (RO) at the time of application that extends beyond the end date of the IPS fellowship. They must be either within eight years of the award of your Ph.D. or equivalent professional training; or within six years of your first academic appointment.
The Huntington is participating in the Arts and Humanities Research Council International Placement Scheme for doctoral and postdoctoral students. AHRC IPS fellows are generally graduate students in the early stages of their research careers with three to six month terms of appointment meaning they enjoy a more sustained period of residence to work on the collections.