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La Caja de Arte de Betye Saar

Celebra el legado artístico de Betye Saar y aprende sobre su trabajo al hacer arte inspirado en cinco de sus obras de arte. Disponible en inglés y en español.

The Betye Saar Art Box

Celebrate Betye Saar's artistic legacy and learn more about her work as you make art inspired by five of her artworks. Available in English and Spanish.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Make your Own Leaf Skeleton

Leaf skeleton art was a popular activity for Anglo-American women in the 19th century. Try making your own!

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Leaf Etching

Create leaf etchings!

Nature as Art and Artist

Does art need to be made by humans to be considered art? Is nature art? Can natural processes create art?