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Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Explore Plant Adaptations in Your Community!

Take a walk through your neighborhood, local park, or anywhere else where plants grow. What adaptations do you observe?

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Leaf Etching

Create leaf etchings!

Drawing of a beaker, test tube, and plant within a circle

Experiment: Leaf Patches

What happens when leaves don’t have access to sunlight? Let’s do an experiment to find out!

Drawing of a beaker, test tube, and plant within a circle

Experiment: Access to Water

Conduct an experiment to evaluate how access to water affects a plant’s growth and survival.

Drawing of a beaker, test tube, and plant within a circle

Experiment: Access to Light

Conduct an experiment to evaluate how access to light affects plants’ growth and survival.

Drawing of a beaker, test tube, and plant within a circle

Experiment: Access to Soil

Conduct an experiment to evaluate how access to soil affects plants’ growth and survival.

Drawing of a beaker, test tube, and plant within a circle

Experiment: Access to Air

Conduct an experiment to evaluate how access to air affects plants’ growth and survival.

A hill in a garden. At the base of the hill are rocks, spherical green and yellow succulents, and purple flowers. On the hill are succulents with bright orange flowers. At the top of the hill are tall trees.

Desert Garden

Over the past 100 years, gardeners have transformed the Desert Garden into a 10-acre expanse with over 2000 species of succulents and desert plants.

Two illustrations of the moon showing a jagged line down the center. The top illustration has the line almost exactly in the middle and the bottom illustration has the line slightly to the left. To the left of the lines the moon is dark and to the right of the lines the moon is light.

Sidereus Nuncius

Galileo Galilei began a scientific revolution when he shared a new way of studying the universe in his book Siderius Nuncius.