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Two illustrations of the moon showing a jagged line down the center. The top illustration has the line almost exactly in the middle and the bottom illustration has the line slightly to the left. To the left of the lines the moon is dark and to the right of the lines the moon is light.

Sidereus Nuncius

Galileo Galilei began a scientific revolution when he shared a new way of studying the universe in his book Siderius Nuncius.

A comet descends through the night sky toward earth. On earth, a house with a telescope stands next to a grouping of trees.

Trouvelot’s Astronomical Drawings

“He had an uncanny capacity to combine art and science in such a way as to make substantial contributions to both fields.” Krystle Satrum, Assistant Curator, Jay T. Last Collection

Color illustration of a plant with narrow palmate green leaves. Some of the leaves have holes in the center or rips near at the margin. The plant has a moth resting on a leaf and a moth flying near the stem. The plant has a larva resting on a stem and a cocoon attached to a stem.  A large black yellow and red larva rests on a leaf. A cocoon rests on the stem and on a swollen root. A moth flies near the plant. A snake coils around the plant.

Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname

Merian discovered and shared new scientific information about insects, changing the way Europeans thought about entomology and ecology

Color illustration of a plant with large green leaves and small flowers. Above the plant is a close up of a brown cylinder.

A Curious Herbal

In creating and publishing her scientific illustrations, Blackwell made important contributions to the medical field.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Sunlight Investigation

How do different levels of sunlight influence plant growth and the structure of a habitat? Look for ways that a plant’s growth is affected by different levels of light.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Stem Investigation

What are the parts of a stem and why are these parts important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of stems and make inferences about how stems help plants grow and survive.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Root Investigation

What are the parts of a root and why are they important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of roots and make inferences about how roots help plants grow and survive.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Pollinators Investigation

What is the population of pollinators in your garden space and what is their role in a plant’s life cycle? Work individually or collaboratively to produce data on pollinators in a garden, compare data collected by different groups and make inferences about the role of pollinators in a plant’s life cycle.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Fruit Investigation

What are the parts of a fruit, and why are they important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of fruit. Make inferences about how fruit helps the plant grow and survive.