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Oil painting of the profile of a steamship on the water in front of green hills; the boat is flying an American flag and towing a sloop with a tall mast, the sloop's back half cut off from view by the edge of the canvas.

Object Story: The Steamboat "Peter Crary"

A highly-detailed “ship portrait” of a steamboat pulling another vessel.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Twenty-First Century Object

Reimagine an object from the eighteenth or nineteenth century into one for the twenty-first.

Tin candle lamp with wire stem topped with finger or hanging loop; a tin tray holds the two candle holder and slides up and down the stem.

Object Story: A Short History of Lighting

Examine a range of lighting implements from candles and rushlights to oil burning lamps.

Two illustrations of the moon showing a jagged line down the center. The top illustration has the line almost exactly in the middle and the bottom illustration has the line slightly to the left. To the left of the lines the moon is dark and to the right of the lines the moon is light.

Sidereus Nuncius

Galileo Galilei began a scientific revolution when he shared a new way of studying the universe in his book Siderius Nuncius.

Illustrated mosquito with text above and below the mosquito. The text is in different fonts and in red and black. The text reads: This is Ann she's dying to meet you.

This is Ann

Public Health with Dr. Seuss: Communicating Scientific Knowledge through Visual Storytelling.

Color illustration of a plant with narrow palmate green leaves. Some of the leaves have holes in the center or rips near at the margin. The plant has a moth resting on a leaf and a moth flying near the stem. The plant has a larva resting on a stem and a cocoon attached to a stem.  A large black yellow and red larva rests on a leaf. A cocoon rests on the stem and on a swollen root. A moth flies near the plant. A snake coils around the plant.

Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname

Merian discovered and shared new scientific information about insects, changing the way Europeans thought about entomology and ecology