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Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Sunlight Investigation

How do different levels of sunlight influence plant growth and the structure of a habitat? Look for ways that a plant’s growth is affected by different levels of light.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Explore Plant Adaptations in Your Community!

Take a walk through your neighborhood, local park, or anywhere else where plants grow. What adaptations do you observe?

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Leaf Etching

Create leaf etchings!

Drawing of a beaker, test tube, and plant within a circle

Experiment: Leaf Patches

What happens when leaves don’t have access to sunlight? Let’s do an experiment to find out!

Nature as Art and Artist

Does art need to be made by humans to be considered art? Is nature art? Can natural processes create art?