Information for New Fellows
The easiest way to get to The Huntington and around the LA metro area is via car. Parking is free at The Huntington. The main entrance to the grounds is via the Allen Gate on the north side of the property. The Oxford Gate, on the east side of the property, is CLOSED on Tuesdays as The Huntington is closed to the public this day (the library is open). On Tuesdays, you must enter via the Allen Gate. Use 1800 Orlando Rd, San Marino CA 91108 for the most accurate GPS directions to this gate.
For those who wish to use public transit, two transit lines reach the bus stops nearest to The Huntington.
- Pasadena Transit: cityofpasadena.net/pasadena-transit
- LA Metro: metro.net
The two closest bus stops are Del Mar Blvd & Allen Ave, to the north, and Huntington/San Marino to the south. It is approximately 1 mile from the Del Mar stop to The Huntington, and .7 of a mile from the Huntington/San Marino stop if the Oxford Gate is open. Otherwise, it is approximately 1.2 miles with a slight incline running south to north.
Pasadena Transit offers 30-day TAP passes for $15, as well as reduced fares passes available to seniors, persons with disabilities, and LA area college students.
Tax and Stipends
Tax Status (U.S. Citizens)
All Huntington fellowships are grants to the recipients to pursue their own scholarly research. No federal income tax will be withheld from your payment. However, a Form 1099-MISC will be issued to you so that you can declare your payment. If you are a nonresident of California, we are required to withhold a flat 7% of the amount paid for state of California taxes as well as issue you a California Form 592-B.
Tax Status (Foreign Grantees)
All Huntington fellowships are grants to enable recipients to pursue their own scholarly research in the collections. Although The Huntington is required to withhold federal taxes from the individual’s stipend payments, the amount of the withholding can only be determined once you have completed the Foreign National Information Form, which will provide us with the information about the tax treaty, if any, that applies between the United States and your country of residence. You will be asked to complete this form when you start your fellowship.
You will also be required to provide a Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. While it is not necessary to have either before you arrive, you may not claim tax exemption under the terms of any tax treaty without one, and we will be required to withhold taxes at a rate of 37% (30% federal, 7% state). If you have a Social Security number, please bring it with you. If you do not have a Social Security number, we will assist you in obtaining this benefit when you begin your fellowship. The Huntington is also required to withhold for state of California taxes a flat 7% of the stipend. If you are a foreign grantee, you may assume approximately 21% of your stipend will be withheld for federal and state taxes.
At the end of the year, The Huntington will provide you with a Federal Form 1042-S and a California Form 592-B, which summarize your Huntington income and the tax withheld. This information will help you prepare your individual income tax returns. If the Huntington stipend is your only U.S. income during the year, it is likely that you will be eligible for a tax refund. The forms are generated and mailed by February 28.
For further information, please refer to IRS Publication 515 or visit IRS.gov, FTB instructions for Form 592 or visit ftb.ca.gov, or consult with your tax adviser.
Scholars must remain in residence at The Huntington during the entire fellowship period without any major interruptions or absences. If you decide to stay for a shorter period than that stated in your award letter, the amount of the stipend will be reduced on a pro rata basis. No award will be made for a period of less than one month (20 business days.) You are responsible for notifying the Fellowships Program Coordinator of any change in the length of your stay. You are welcome to stay for a longer period; however, the amount of the stipend will not be increased. Your award period may begin at any time within the year for which the grant was made—the earliest you can start is July 1 in any given year, and the latest is June 30 in the following year (13 months later). Fellowships may not be postponed to a later award year.
Payment of Stipends
Payment of stipends will be made once per month on either the first or third Thursday of each calendar month following the fellowship start date. Fellowship recipients must have filled out the “Grantee Payment Form” (which grantees complete for their Fellows Welcome appointment) and begun their research at least five business days before the next payment day to be paid on that day. Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. (Example: To receive the stipend on January 18, 2024, the grantee must begin their fellowship by January 10, 2024. To receive a stipend on February 1, 2024, the grantee must begin no later than January 25, 2024.) Foreign grantees who do NOT have a social security number should be aware that payments cannot be processed until the grantee has one. We will assist you in acquiring a SSN but be aware it usually takes at least two weeks for the Social Security office to process and issue a number.
It is important for fellows to arrange sufficient funding to cover their expenses until the first monthly stipend is received. No advances will be authorized. An ATM card and/or a credit card will be invaluable to you. An ATM is located in the entrance pavilion area. The Business Office offers direct deposit payments and the option to wire funds directly to your bank for a fee.
In most cases, The Huntington can arrange for payment of the stipend to be made directly to the grantee’s institution for administration and continuance of salary and benefits. The institution will then administer the funds through their normal channels in whatever manner is satisfactory to the grantee and their institution. Regardless of how the funds are disbursed and administered, for the purposes of recognition and reporting, The Huntington considers the grant to have been made to the individual grantee, rather than to the institution. Contact us for more information
Foreign scholars who do not possess a valid visa will need to submit a Form DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status (which we will provide) to the United States Consulate when applying for a visa so admission to the United States may be granted under the J-1 provision. Prior to your arrival, we will send you a questionnaire that will provide us with the necessary information to complete the DS-2019. Once you have determined your dates of residence, send us the completed questionnaire. The dates listed on your questionnaire and the DS-2019 should match your exact fellowship dates.
Upon receiving the DS-2019 from us, it is your responsibility to set up an appointment with the consulate to be interviewed. The consulate may require you to appear in person, and sometimes it might be several weeks before they can see you. There could also be some delay between this appointment and the consulate’s providing you with the J-1. If you do not obtain the proper J-1 visa status, The Huntington will be unable to pay your fellowship stipend. The Huntington will reimburse you for the administrative fees incurred when obtaining the J-1 visa. Please bring receipts with you when you begin the fellowship.
Citizens of Canada: Although you need to get a Form DS-2019 from us, pay the SEVIS fee, and make sure that you bring the original form (signed in blue ink) with you when you enter the United States; you do not need to schedule an appointment with the consulate.
When traveling to the United States, you must have the following:
- A valid passport
- Form DS-2019 (Failure to present this form to immigration authorities will compromise your ability to enter the United States, and even if you are admitted will cause significant problems both for the payment of your stipend and for the duration of your fellowship.)
- Evidence of financial resources—an award letter from the Director of Research
- Paper receipt for the SEVIS I-901 fee—you will receive instructions about this when we send you Form DS-2019
- Name and contact information of the
- Responsible Officer (Catherine Wehrey-Miller, Assistant to the Director of Research, 626-405-2194, cwehrey@huntington.org)
- or the Alternate Responsible Officer (Krystle Satrum, Fellowships Program Coordinator, 626-405-3424, ksatrum@huntington.org)
Social Security Number (SSN)
If you will receive U.S.-sourced income, you will need to apply for a Social Security number (SSN) if you do not already have one. The SSN is a unique identification number that is used to keep track of your earnings, to collect Social Security benefits, and to receive some other government services. If you have a U.S.-issued Individual Taxpayer Identification number (ITIN), you do not need a Social Security number. If you do not have an SSN or an ITIN, you will be provided with the following upon your arrival:
- SSN application
- I-94 (a record of your most recent admission to the United States)
A member of the Research Department staff will provide you with information needed to visit the local Social Security office. Bring the following:
- Passport
- I-94
- DS-2019
- Award letter from the Director of Research
- Completed SSN application
After your appointment, the Research Department staff will receive your Social Security card within two weeks and will deliver it to you. Once you have an SSN, you will not need to apply for another one at any point.
Local Guide for Fellows
Local information and recommendations for transportation, restaurants, attractions, and more may be found in this useful guide.