Johannesteijsmannia altifrons

Johannesteijsmannia altifrons

target icon target icon target icon Large plant with a short stem and tall vertical green leaves

Johannesteijsmanni altifrons

Vertical Leaves. Drip tips are pointed tips on the ends of leaves. Vertical leaves point toward the ground. In wet environments, it rains a lot. Water is heavy. If water piles up on a leaf, it can break the leaf. Drip tips and vertical leaves are adaptations that help the plant survive in environments with heavy rain. Vertical leaves also help the plant get food! Dead matter from other plants and animals falls down the leaves. The water gets absorbed into the soil, but the dead matter gets trapped by the leaves’ petioles. This trapped matter is helpful for the plant because it can absorb the matter’s nutrients as the plants and animals decay.

Large, Wide Leaves. In wet conditions, many plants grow close together. This means it can be hard for plants to get enough sunlight! Large leaves have a better chance of absorbing the available light. The plant needs that light to turn into food. Large, wide leaves are an adaptation to help the plant make food while in a shady environment.

Dark Green Leaves. Dark leaves absorb more light than pale leaves. Dark leaves help plants that live in shady environments absorb as much sunlight as they can! Dark green leaves are an adaptation to help the plant make food while in a shady environment.

This plant grows best in the shade. The large leaves soak up a lot of light. If this plant were to grow outside in a desert, it would overheat! Its habitat is in the undergrowth in humid rainforests.

Which color do you think best matches the leaves of this plant?