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Two embroidered fabric pockets in the shape of small sacks with multicolored flame-like patterns stitched neatly in combinations of red, green, blue and yellow.

Object Story: Pair of Pockets

Pair of needlework pockets for women.

Design embroidered on cloth, with the alphabet repeated in four different fonts and a verse underneath, completed at the bottom with the maker's name, age, and location.

Object Story: Mary Craig Hamlen's Sampler

A needlework sampler from 1802 by Mary Craig Hamlen, age 9.

Climbing the Ladder of Success through Education

In America, there is a strong belief in the value of education as way to help individuals advance in society.

Elaborate fabric quilt featuring an arrangement of five star shapes in the center, surrounded by a border of smaller star shapes and an outermost border of appliqued fabric in a floral pattern.

Object Story: "Lone Star" Appliqued Chintz and Pieced Quilt

Quilt made by Mary Seeds Moon around 1840 in the popular Lone Star pattern.

Overview: Prosperity for All?

America was founded on the principles of equality, freedom, liberty, and respect for individual rights. But these ideals have not always applied to everyone, and many Americans have fought since the founding of this country to broaden those values so that they apply to all Americans.

Painting of white woman in voluminous grey dress with white sash and large locket around her neck seated before a window holding a prayer book and looking at the viewer.

Object Story: Portrait of Elizabeth Stone Coffin

Portrait of Elizabeth Stone Coffin painted by John Brewster Jr. in 1801.

Doing Detective Work

Being a historian or archaeologist is a lot like being a detective. You start out with clues, which are pieces of evidence that people leave behind.

Litografía de una mujer negra que lleva un pañuelo con la palabra LIBERACIÓN mientras llamas brillantes salen disparadas de él sobre un fondo azul oscuro y morado.

Actividad: Arte y activismo

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Blow Top Blues: The Fire Next Time (Blues de soplado superior: El fuego la próxima vez).

Lithograph of a black woman wearing a bandana featuring the word LIBERATION as bright flames shoot out of it on a dark blue and purple background.

Activity: Art and Activism

Make your own work of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, Blow Top Blues: The Fire Next Time.

View of eight quilts displayed in a museum gallery with a spinning wheel placed in the center of the room.

Object Story: Stitching Statements and Sentiments

Explore quilt patterns that reflect women’s perspectives on the world and current events.