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Activity: Beauty in Everyday Objects
Create a definition of art and beauty using everyday objects.
Activity: Classroom Still Life
Practice creating a still life using characteristics of the genre.
Activity: Portrait Investigations
Investigate the person in a portrait using clues and information from primary sources, images, and through research.
Activity: Write a Museum Label
Practice writing a museum label for an object or artwork.
Activity: Think like a Collector
Examine a museum collection for themes and commonalities and consider what the collection represents about a community.
Activity: Curating a Classroom Museum
Create a classroom museum about American history and culture.
Activity: Mahogany, Walnut, or Journeyman's Price?
Examine the ways economic factors influence decision making.
Object Story: Chip-carved Foot Warmer
Small carved wooden box used to hold hot coals for cold feet.
Object Story: Jar
Stoneware jar with unique decorations.
Object Story: Decorated Document Box
Decorated tin document box; decorated with red, white and yellow typical of the workshop of Elijah and Elisha North of Stevens Plains (now Westbrook), Maine 1806-1840.