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Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Portrait Investigations

Investigate the person in a portrait using clues and information from primary sources, images, and through research.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Write a Museum Label

Practice writing a museum label for an object or artwork.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Think like a Collector

Examine a museum collection for themes and commonalities and consider what the collection represents about a community.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Curating a Classroom Museum

Create a classroom museum about American history and culture.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Mahogany, Walnut, or Journeyman's Price?

Examine the ways economic factors influence decision making.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Myth Busting!

Consider various myths told about the history of the United States and investigate their origins, different accounts, and how perspectives shape our understanding.

The Common Good

Americans are known for their commitment to individual freedom: freedom to make their own choices, freedom to speak their mind, and freedom to come and go as they please.

Icon with a light bulb, star, and shapes above a pencil.

Activity: Perspective Taking with Places and People in History

Use this activity to explore different points of view and perspectives depicted in historic artworks like The Burning of the Old South Church.

Litografía en color a partir de una placa de aluminio que muestra varios elementos, incluidas imágenes rotas de mujeres negras, un pájaro, una pluma, una flor, un sol de papel y un tapetito de encaje. La escritura a mano en la parte inferior dice en inglés: Conservar para los viejos recuerdos.

Actividad: Piezas de tí

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Fragments (Fragmentos).

obra de arte de técnica mixta y ensamblaje sobre un pañuelo beige. sobre él hay una variedad de objectos pequeños incluyendo un corazón lleno de pequeñas cucharas y cuchillos de metal, pequeños abanicos, unas manos pequeñas adentro de una ventana pequeña, un pez, un mago y pequeños pedazos de encaje azul gris.

Actividad: Mira de cerca

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, The Fragility of Illusion (La fragilidad de la ilusión).