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Quilting: A Living Tradition

Many museums exist for the purpose of preserving objects, many of which are handmade and not produced anymore.

Litografía de una mujer negra que lleva un pañuelo con la palabra LIBERACIÓN mientras llamas brillantes salen disparadas de él sobre un fondo azul oscuro y morado.

Actividad: Arte y activismo

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Blow Top Blues: The Fire Next Time (Blues de soplado superior: El fuego la próxima vez).

Lithograph of a black woman wearing a bandana featuring the word LIBERATION as bright flames shoot out of it on a dark blue and purple background.

Activity: Art and Activism

Make your own work of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, Blow Top Blues: The Fire Next Time.

Print on paper showing arrangement of squares; within each square there are strips of colored rectangles that are arranged asymmetrically in shades of red, blue, white, and black.

Object Story: African American Quilting

Contemporary African American quilt traditions and their transformation into new artforms.