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Everybody Collects

The kinds of objects, artifacts, and artworks that people collect communicate different ideas.  They can be a record of events that happened in society.

Doing Detective Work

Being a historian or archaeologist is a lot like being a detective. You start out with clues, which are pieces of evidence that people leave behind.

Folk Art, Vernacular Art, or Naïve Art?

Many of the objects in the Fielding Collection such as Still Life with a Basket of Fruit, Flowers, and Cornucopia attributed to Joseph Proctor are often considered “folk art.”  Some people prefer to use related terms like “naïve,” “vernacular,” or “nonacademic” instead of “folk.”  All of these terms describe work by artists who may not have had extensive, formal training or decided not to follow the teachings and ideas of traditional art instruction.

Front view of ovoid jar with handles near the top, decorated with blue pigment and incised decorations, with a flower in a checkered pot at the center and the initials “IS” below.

Object Story: Jar

Stoneware jar with unique decorations.

Identity on Display

Among the many unique traits we have as humans is our ability create, learn, and share different ways of knowing our world.

Litografía en color a partir de una placa de aluminio que muestra varios elementos, incluidas imágenes rotas de mujeres negras, un pájaro, una pluma, una flor, un sol de papel y un tapetito de encaje. La escritura a mano en la parte inferior dice en inglés: Conservar para los viejos recuerdos.

Actividad: Piezas de tí

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Fragments (Fragmentos).

obra de arte de técnica mixta y ensamblaje sobre un pañuelo beige. sobre él hay una variedad de objectos pequeños incluyendo un corazón lleno de pequeñas cucharas y cuchillos de metal, pequeños abanicos, unas manos pequeñas adentro de una ventana pequeña, un pez, un mago y pequeños pedazos de encaje azul gris.

Actividad: Mira de cerca

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, The Fragility of Illusion (La fragilidad de la ilusión).

Color lithograph from an aluminum plate depicting an arrangement of several items including torn images of Black women, a bird, a feather, a flower, a paper sun and a lace doily. Handwriting on the bottom reads: Keep for Old Memiors.

Activity: Pieces of You

Make your own work of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, Fragments.

Mixed media assemblage artwork made out of a vintage window frame within which are a toy lion, a photo of an African religious ceremony from a magazine, a painted crescent moon and stars, and short pieces of wheat. At the bottom, attached, are small pieces of feathers, leather, fur, shells, and bones.

Activity: Your Mojo Secrets

Make your own work of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, Nine Mojo Secrets.

Obra de arte de ensamblaje de técnica mixta hecha a de un marco de ventana antiguo dentro del cual hay un león de juguete, una foto de una ceremonia religiosa africana recorada de una revista, una luna pintada y estrellas, y trozos cortos de trigo. En la parte inferior, colgados, hay pequeños trozos de plumas, cuero, piel, conchas y huesos.

Actividad: Tus secretos de mojo

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Nine Mojo Secrets (Nueve secretos de mojo).