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The text Spinning Wheel inside a dark green circle.

Spinning Wheel


A labeled chart depicting the West coast of Central and South America featuring buildings and flags.

Kristi Westberg

Buccaneer's Atlas

Long piece of parchment with written text and a dark crease down the middle.

Jessamy Gloor

Third Treaty of Prairie Du Chien between the U.S. and the Winnebago Tribe

Photograph of flower fields in Los Angeles-Hollywood with a group of individuals standing amongst the flowers.

Jacklyn Chi

Arthur Ito Papers

Zoomed in image of a hand written diary.

Cynthia Kapteyn

William S. McBride diary

Inside book cover with orange, blue, white and pink swirls with a designed inscription at the top.

Austin Plann Curley

Speculum vitae humanae

Four illustrations of flowers in a grid.

Botanical Art

Learn about botanical art and create your own artwork.

Olive penjing against a white wall.


“The goal is to create the sense of a tree as though you took it out of nature” —Che Zhao Sheng

A hill in a garden. At the base of the hill are rocks, spherical green and yellow succulents, and purple flowers. On the hill are succulents with bright orange flowers. At the top of the hill are tall trees.

Desert Garden

Over the past 100 years, gardeners have transformed the Desert Garden into a 10-acre expanse with over 2000 species of succulents and desert plants.

Printed illustration of a flea.


Discovering a Hidden Universe and Creating Science