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Object Story: Pair of Fire Buckets
These buckets were kept in the home of William Gookin, a tailor, and are decorated to show his family’s membership in the Mechanic Fire Society of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Object Story: Niagara Beadwork Hat
This hat was created by a Haudenosaunee craftsperson in the mid-nineteenth century.

Object Story: Oval Shaker Box
This large oval box was made at the Shaker community in New Lebanon, New York.

Object Story: The Steamboat "Peter Crary"
A highly-detailed “ship portrait” of a steamboat pulling another vessel.

Object Story: Federal Tall Case Clock
A seven-foot tall grandfather clock from around 1820 with inner gears and clockworks made of wood.

Object Story: Pair of Pockets
Pair of needlework pockets for women.

Object Story: Mary Craig Hamlen's Sampler
A needlework sampler from 1802 by Mary Craig Hamlen, age 9.

Object Story: Portrait of Hatter John Mays of Schaefferstown
Portrait of the hatter John Mays around 1830.

Object Story: High-back Windsor Armchair with Writing Arm
A popular and well-known style of chair in early American life.
Climbing the Ladder of Success through Education
In America, there is a strong belief in the value of education as way to help individuals advance in society.