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Quilting: A Living Tradition

Many museums exist for the purpose of preserving objects, many of which are handmade and not produced anymore.

Elaborate fabric quilt featuring an arrangement of five star shapes in the center, surrounded by a border of smaller star shapes and an outermost border of appliqued fabric in a floral pattern.

Object Story: "Lone Star" Appliqued Chintz and Pieced Quilt

Quilt made by Mary Seeds Moon around 1840 in the popular Lone Star pattern.

View of eight quilts displayed in a museum gallery with a spinning wheel placed in the center of the room.

Object Story: Stitching Statements and Sentiments

Explore quilt patterns that reflect women’s perspectives on the world and current events.

Print on paper showing arrangement of squares; within each square there are strips of colored rectangles that are arranged asymmetrically in shades of red, blue, white, and black.

Object Story: African American Quilting

Contemporary African American quilt traditions and their transformation into new artforms.

A coloring page of a vertical rectangle with different size rectangles and triangles inside.

Old Beauty

Coloring Page