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Oil painting of the profile of a steamship on the water in front of green hills; the boat is flying an American flag and towing a sloop with a tall mast, the sloop's back half cut off from view by the edge of the canvas.

Object Story: The Steamboat "Peter Crary"

A highly-detailed “ship portrait” of a steamboat pulling another vessel.

Tall grandfather-style clock in a wooden case painted to resemble different types of wood grains.

Object Story: Federal Tall Case Clock

A seven-foot tall grandfather clock from around 1820 with inner gears and clockworks made of wood.

Brass lamp that resembles a large candlestick with a reservoir and two wick holders at the top in the shape of a V.

Object Story: Lamp

A brass lamp with two burners made for burning oil.

Five glass toy lamps in a variety of shapes, three with feet and bulbous or V-shaped reservoirs, another in a shape resembling a teacup, and another in the shape of a oval sphere.

Object Story: Toy Lamps

Blown glass lamps made for burning whale oil.