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Use the elements of art to guide you as you look closely at lotuses and explore how different artists have been inspired by lotuses.

Niagara Hat
How do our cultural values affect the way we view and create art?

Tiffany Glass
Tiffany’s Glassworks: Light, Color, Change, and Innovation

Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body
This collaborative effort between an anatomist and an artist revolutionized people’s understanding of the human body.
Nature as Artistic Inspiration
How are artists inspired by nature? How do artists combine observation and imagination to create artwork?
Nature as Art and Artist
Does art need to be made by humans to be considered art? Is nature art? Can natural processes create art?

Coloring Page

"The body of the dancers, or phantoms, become sources of knowledge, and their gaze holds the viewer accountable, something that is too often missing from history and art; holding space in historically white spaces in ways that they have never been inhabited before.” -Carolina Caycedo, artist

Aloe mitriformis
Look closely at this aloe. What do you notice? How do you think this plant has adapted to survive in its environment?