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Mixed media assemblage artwork made out of a vintage window frame within which are a toy lion, a photo of an African religious ceremony from a magazine, a painted crescent moon and stars, and short pieces of wheat. At the bottom, attached, are small pieces of feathers, leather, fur, shells, and bones.

Activity: Your Mojo Secrets

Make your own work of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, Nine Mojo Secrets.

Obra de arte de ensamblaje de técnica mixta hecha a de un marco de ventana antiguo dentro del cual hay un león de juguete, una foto de una ceremonia religiosa africana recorada de una revista, una luna pintada y estrellas, y trozos cortos de trigo. En la parte inferior, colgados, hay pequeños trozos de plumas, cuero, piel, conchas y huesos.

Actividad: Tus secretos de mojo

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Nine Mojo Secrets (Nueve secretos de mojo).

Illustrated mosquito with text above and below the mosquito. The text is in different fonts and in red and black. The text reads: This is Ann she's dying to meet you.

This is Ann

Public Health with Dr. Seuss: Communicating Scientific Knowledge through Visual Storytelling.

Black and brown people wearing red, yellow, and white drape their bodies over the branches of a large tree.


"The body of the dancers, or phantoms, become sources of knowledge, and their gaze holds the viewer accountable, something that is too often missing from history and art; holding space in historically white spaces in ways that they have never been inhabited before.” -Carolina Caycedo, artist