The Huntington's Chinese Garden is distinctive for its old Coast Live Oaks native to California. There's one ancient oak, considered to be the oldest at The Huntington, that needed special attention as the gardens were being built around its canopy.
Fruit Parts
Canteloupe (C. melo var. reticulatus) | Jim Folsom (photography)
Stem parts
Sunlight Investigation
How do different levels of sunlight influence plant growth and the structure of a habitat? Look for ways that a plant’s growth is affected by different levels of light.
Stem Investigation
What are the parts of a stem and why are these parts important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of stems and make inferences about how stems help plants grow and survive.
Soil Investigation
What is soil made of and why is it important to plants? Investigate the composition of soil by using your senses and simple tools to make inferences about why soil is important for plant growth.
Seed Investigation
What are the parts of a seed and why are the parts important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of seeds and make inferences about how seeds help plants grow and survive.
Seed Dispersal Investigation
How do the living and nonliving elements of a plant’s environment help the plant spread its seeds? Collaborate or work individually to produce data on seed dispersal in the garden and make inferences about the role of seed dispersal mechanisms in a plant’s life cycle.
Root Investigation
What are the parts of a root and why are they important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of roots and make inferences about how roots help plants grow and survive.
Pollinators Investigation
What is the population of pollinators in your garden space and what is their role in a plant’s life cycle? Work individually or collaboratively to produce data on pollinators in a garden, compare data collected by different groups and make inferences about the role of pollinators in a plant’s life cycle.