Leaf Investigation
What are the parts of a leaf and why are the parts important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of leaves and make inferences about how leaves help plants grow and survive.
Fruit Investigation
What are the parts of a fruit, and why are they important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of fruit. Make inferences about how fruit helps the plant grow and survive.
Flower Investigation
What are the parts of a flower and why are they important for plant reproduction? Make observations about the parts and features of flowers and make inferences about how flowers help plants reproduce.
Decomposition Investigation
How do plant parts decompose and how does decomposition support plant growth? Make observations of plant matter at different stages of decomposition and make inferences about cycles of matter in ecosystems.
Compost Investigation
What is compost and why is it important to plants? Plan and carry out an investigation of biodegradable and nonbiodegradable matter in compost. Make inferences about why compost is important for plant growth.
Flower Parts
Daylily 'Elves' (Hemerocallis 'Elves')
Plant Needs
Explore plant parts and functions with classroom- and garden-based learning strategies.
A collection of medical remedies doesn’t seem like the obvious place for contentious or problematic texts. Yet in England during the medieval period, certain methods of healing could be controversial.
An array of winter-blooming plants from around the world are taking the stage at The Huntington, putting on floral performances that add vibrancy to the gardens at a time of the year that some might think is surprising.