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Becoming America: Thinking through Identity, Culture, and Traditions in Early America
Interdisciplinary, object-based investigations looking into different themes in early American art, culture, and humanities.
Activity: Are Sneakers the Windsor Chairs of the Shoe World?
Consider how specialized goods become more affordable for all.
Quilting: A Living Tradition
Many museums exist for the purpose of preserving objects, many of which are handmade and not produced anymore.
Object Story: "Lone Star" Appliqued Chintz and Pieced Quilt
Quilt made by Mary Seeds Moon around 1840 in the popular Lone Star pattern.
Activity: What Can a Basket Tell Us
Explore different features of Indigenous baskets to understand the lives of people from different times, places, and cultures.
Activity: Mi'kmaq Teenagers Today and Cultural Identity
Make a connection to contemporary Mi'kmaq culture through music and poetry.
Object Story: Basket
An ash splint basket created by a Mohegan artisan, a Native American tribe from the Northeastern woodlands region of North America.