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Object Story: Basket
An ash splint basket created by a Mohegan artisan, a Native American tribe from the Northeastern woodlands region of North America.

Activity: Why Does It Look the Way It Does?
Look closely at an object to describe its characteristics and features and connect these with ideas of culture and identity.

Activity: Object Investigation
Questions to guide thinking about objects in relation to history and culture.
Connecting to People through Portraits
Like a photograph, a portrait represents a picture of a person.

Band Box Seller
Coloring Page

Now All Of You Come Listen
Coloring Page
Overview: Prosperity for All?
America was founded on the principles of equality, freedom, liberty, and respect for individual rights. But these ideals have not always applied to everyone, and many Americans have fought since the founding of this country to broaden those values so that they apply to all Americans.
Overview: The Price of Progress
The notion that innovation and change leads to progress is at the heart of the American character, but Americans also value tradition. This unit explores a wide range of traditions and innovations in American society. When is progress worth the loss of tradition and certain ways of life?

Object Story: Painted Schrank
This wardrobe holds important clues about the identity of an early Pennsylvania family.

The Blue Boy
Coloring Page