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Object Story: Mary Craig Hamlen's Sampler
A needlework sampler from 1802 by Mary Craig Hamlen, age 9.

Object Story: High-back Windsor Armchair with Writing Arm
A popular and well-known style of chair in early American life.
Climbing the Ladder of Success through Education
In America, there is a strong belief in the value of education as way to help individuals advance in society.
A Seat at the Table
In the earliest days of the American colonies, it was common for a household to own only one chair, and use of the chair was reserved for the man of the house while women and c

Activity: Are Sneakers the Windsor Chairs of the Shoe World?
Consider how specialized goods become more affordable for all.
Overview: Prosperity for All?
America was founded on the principles of equality, freedom, liberty, and respect for individual rights. But these ideals have not always applied to everyone, and many Americans have fought since the founding of this country to broaden those values so that they apply to all Americans.

Activity: Mahogany, Walnut, or Journeyman's Price?
Examine the ways economic factors influence decision making.
The Common Good
Americans are known for their commitment to individual freedom: freedom to make their own choices, freedom to speak their mind, and freedom to come and go as they please.

Activity: Perspective Taking with Places and People in History
Use this activity to explore different points of view and perspectives depicted in historic artworks like The Burning of the Old South Church.

Actividad: Arte y activismo
Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Blow Top Blues: The Fire Next Time (Blues de soplado superior: El fuego la próxima vez).