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Black velvet cap in the shape of a pointed oval, with beadwork in blue, white, green, yellow, and red forming flowers and stems all over; made by a Haudenosaunee woman.

Object Story: Niagara Beadwork Hat

This hat was created by a Haudenosaunee craftsperson in the mid-nineteenth century.

Large, oval, pine and maple box, smooth and plain with six fingers forming a side seam and a chrome yellow finish.

Object Story: Oval Shaker Box

This large oval box was made at the Shaker community in New Lebanon, New York.

Back of a man walking with a rod over his left shoulder with various shapes of hat boxes dangling from the rod.

Band Box Seller

Coloring Page

Coloring page of a full-length boy with a hand on his hip, his left leg forward, and a hat in his right hand.

The Blue Boy

Coloring Page

Coloring page of a separation drawing of four blossoms, including small daisies and carnations.


Coloring Page

Coloring page of three lights with two quatrefoils and one trefoil above. All traceryshows angels with zithers or dulcimers. Left light shows soldiers in armor carrying banners, swords and shields. Central light shows Christ in red with cross, gesturing to chalice, angels above with crown and sceptre. Right light shows soldiers in armor tending the wounded. Landscape background

Design for War

Coloring Page

Identity on Display

Among the many unique traits we have as humans is our ability create, learn, and share different ways of knowing our world.

Litografía en color a partir de una placa de aluminio que muestra varios elementos, incluidas imágenes rotas de mujeres negras, un pájaro, una pluma, una flor, un sol de papel y un tapetito de encaje. La escritura a mano en la parte inferior dice en inglés: Conservar para los viejos recuerdos.

Actividad: Piezas de tí

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, Fragments (Fragmentos).

obra de arte de técnica mixta y ensamblaje sobre un pañuelo beige. sobre él hay una variedad de objectos pequeños incluyendo un corazón lleno de pequeñas cucharas y cuchillos de metal, pequeños abanicos, unas manos pequeñas adentro de una ventana pequeña, un pez, un mago y pequeños pedazos de encaje azul gris.

Actividad: Mira de cerca

Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, The Fragility of Illusion (La fragilidad de la ilusión).