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Make your Own Leaf Skeleton
Leaf skeleton art was a popular activity for Anglo-American women in the 19th century. Try making your own!

Activity: Leaf Etching
Create leaf etchings!

Botanical Art
Learn about botanical art and create your own artwork.

Use the elements of art to guide you as you look closely at lilies and explore how different artists have been inspired by lilies.

Ten Bamboo Studio Manual
Walk through a printed garden.

How can a tree be structured to look like a miniature version of its natural form?

“The goal is to create the sense of a tree as though you took it out of nature” —Che Zhao Sheng

The Land of Little Rain
Environmental Exploration and Environmental Storytelling

Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname
Merian discovered and shared new scientific information about insects, changing the way Europeans thought about entomology and ecology

A Curious Herbal
In creating and publishing her scientific illustrations, Blackwell made important contributions to the medical field.