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Activity: Art and Activism
Make your own work of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, Blow Top Blues: The Fire Next Time.

Actividad: Confrontando el racismo
Crea tu propia obra de arte inspirada en la obra de Betye Saar, I'll Bend But I Will Not Break (Me doblaré pero no me romperé).

Activity: Confronting Racism
Make your own piece of art inspired by Betye Saar's work, I’ll Bend But I Will Not Break.

Object Story: Landscape with Riding and Walking Figures, a River, and a Village (Overmantel)
Painting made to hang over a mantle depicting various people along a pathway.
Overview: Out of Many, One?
Americans have long created an identity based on distinct principles and values that define the country. This unit explores the tensions between being an individual and being part of a group or nation and provides insight into what it means to be an individual in America, today and centuries ago.

Object Story: Before the Burning of Old South Church in Bath, Maine
On July 6, 1854, an angry crowd set fire to this church in the town of Bath, Maine.

Activity: Judgement and Group Belonging
Consider what influences group behavior and the formation of in-groups and out-groups.

"The body of the dancers, or phantoms, become sources of knowledge, and their gaze holds the viewer accountable, something that is too often missing from history and art; holding space in historically white spaces in ways that they have never been inhabited before.” -Carolina Caycedo, artist