Desert Garden

A Celebration of Succulents

The Huntington Desert Garden is one of the largest and oldest assemblages of cacti and other succulents in the world. Over 100 years old, it has grown from a small area on the Raymond fault scarp when in 1907-1908 William Hertrich brought in plants from local nurseries, private residences, public parks, and from collection trips to the Southwest and Mexican deserts. Today the two dozen families of succulents and other arid- adapted plants have developed into a 10-acre garden display, the Huntington's most important conservation collection, a vital mission and challenge.


Desert Conservatory at The Huntington

At the upper end of the desert garden, a greenhouse is home to some 3,000 vulnerable succulents that might not survive if they were to get too much water or were exposed to freezing temperatures. And some are just too small and fragile to compete with the more vigorous plants in the outdoor garden. Some of the plants, although large, are still delicate, such as the huge specimen of Astrophytum ornatum.

Stapelia grandiflora

Succulents, like the Stapelia grandiflora, have adapted to cope with drought and defend themselves against enemies over centuries. Most retain water in their leaves, stems, or roots. Many protect themselves with sharp spines or thorns, and some have waxy or woolly protective coverings to reflect sunlight and decrease water loss.

Cereus xanthocarpus

Most desert columnar plants belong to the South American genus Cereus. They form the structure of much of the Desert Garden landscape, producing flowers in late summer and colorful fruit in September and October. Cereus xanthocarpus in the lower garden is approximately 125 years old.

Pachypodium horombense

The oldest plant in the conservatory may be Pachypodium horombense, which was collected in Madagascar in 1928. Most of the other plants are less than 15 years old because new ones are started from cuttings of new growth.


The crassula family consists of unarmed leaf succulents found mostly in Mexico and Africa. Cool autumn brings out pastel leaf colors in aeonium, echeveria, kalanchoe, pachyphytum, and sedum. Most bedding plants are Crassulaceae.

Kalanchoe daigremontiana 'Mother of Thousands'

Kalanchoe daigremontiana 'Mother of Thousands'

Echinocactus grusonii Golden Barrel cacti

The most spectacular cactus displays are the 500 yellow-spine, spring-flowering Golden Barrel cacti (Echinocactus grusonii), the largest being more than 85 years old.

Aloaceae arborescens

Aloes (Aloaceae) constitute one of the largest collections outside Africa. A. arborescens on the hill above the new historic section has an unrivaled winter display of fiery red flower stalks.

Yucca filifera

Specimens of Yucca filifera dominate the landscape of the lower portion of the garden, with some reaching a height of 60 feet. In the early 1900s, these yuccas surrounded a reservoir that was subsequently drained and filled.

Aloe brevifolia

About 200 of the world’s 300 species of aloes reside in the upper garden. Most are from southern Africa. Aloe bainesii, which can grow 50 feet high, is the tallest. Aloe vera is known for its healing qualities, although not all aloes have the same medicinal properties. (Aloe brevifolia featured here.)

Agave mapisaga

Many species of agave, one of the most significant research collections in the gardens, terminate their life cycle by generating a branched inflorescence to 30 feet. One of the largest agaves in the collection is an Agave mapisaga nicknamed 'Lisa.'

Puya alpestris

Two rare bromeliads from Chile grow in the garden: Puya alpestris and P. chilensis. In spring, they burst into bloom with stunning flowers, the former blue-green and the latter chartreuse. | The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens


The desert garden features more than 2,000 species of succulents and desert plants in sixty landscaped beds. Plants are labeled with their scientific name and geographical range. Look closely to discover the different ways succulents have adapted to cope with drought and defend themselves against enemies. Most retain water in their leaves, stems, or roots. Many protect themselves with sharp spines or thorns, and some have waxy or woolly protective coverings to reflect sunlight and decrease water loss.

It is said that when the first English botanist saw Fouquieria columnaris, he thought it resembled the fantasy creature from Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark and dubbed it “Boojum.” After a rain this Baja California native sprouts small leaves, that are soon lost if the weather turns dry.

The ribs of the golden barrel cactus resemble an accordion, expanding and contracting as the plant stores and uses water. Many of the golden barrels you see here were planted from seed before 1915 and now weigh several hundred pounds.

Specimens of Yucca filifera dominate the landscape of the lower portion of the garden, with some reaching a height of sixty feet. In the early 1900s these yuccas surrounded a reservoir that was subsequently drained and filled. You’ll also see here two terrestrial bromeliads from Chile, Puya alpestris and P. chilensis. In spring they burst into bloom with stunning flowers, the former blue-green and the latter chartreuse.

Weighing in at twenty tons is Cereus xanthocarpus. This tree-like cactus is the largest on the grounds; it was a mature specimen when planted in 1905. About 200 of the world’s 300 species of Aloe reside in the upper garden. Most are from southern Africa. Aloe bainesii, which can grow fifty feet high, is the tallest. Aloes and agaves are rosette-shaped succulents similar in appearance. Aloe vera is known for its healing qualities, although not all aloes have the same medicinal properties.

At first glance euphorbias and cacti look alike. How do you tell one from the other? Cactus flowers are large and showy; the blooms of euphorbias are small and inconspicuous. Cacti are from the Americas, while succulent euphorbias are mostly Old World plants from Africa.

Desert Garden Conservatory
Closed for renovation

The Desert Garden Improvement Project will open new areas of the upper Desert Garden showcasing more of this world-renowned collection with the construction of new pathways, a renovated Desert Conservatory with all new infrastructure, and new opportunities for learning and enjoyment.

A walkway opens to a lush desert trees and plants

Artist rendering of the north entrance to the Desert Garden.

New and updated paths will provide access to more than half an acre of gardens to the public. The new paths will complete the loop trail along the northern edge of the property and will also complete a service road reducing vehicle traffic on public and pedestrian pathways.

Renovations to the Desert Garden conservatory including all new infrastructure, retractable sides, and a shade structure will provide improved public access and viewing of the collections.

The project also includes the repopulation of the iconic aloe forest at the north end of the Desert Garden.

To join other donors contributing to this important project, donate now or contact Amanda Greenberger at 626-405-2263 or

Desert Garden Collections

The most significant collections are Agave and related genera (Agavaceae), Aloe (Aloaceae), terrestrial bromeliads (Bromeliaceae), cacti (Cactaceae), Echeveria, Crassula, Sedum and related genera (Crassulaceae), euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), and Fouquieria (Fouquieriaceae).

Beaucarnea, bottle palms, unlikely members of the agave family, are some of the oldest specimens in cultivation, and among the earliest plantings in the Desert Garden. Many species of Agave terminate their life cycle by generating a branched inflorescence to 30 feet. The Desert Garden agave and yucca collections, along with the cacti, are among the Huntington’s most significant research collections.

Aloes (Aloaceae) constitute one of the largest collections outside Africa. A. arborescens on the hill above the new historic section has an unrivaled winter display of fiery red flower stalks.

Puyas are terrestrial bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) that put on a spectacular floral display in April/early May. Other rarely seen species are located in the new heritage section.

Many desert columnar plants belong to the S. American cactus genus Cereus. They form the structure of much of the Desert Garden landscape, producing flowers in late summer and colorful fruit in September/October. C. xanthocarpus in the lower garden is approximately 125 years old.

The most spectacular cactus displays are the 500 bright yellow spined spring flowering Golden Barrel cacti (Echinocactus grusonii), the largest being more than 85 years old.

The crassula family consists of unarmed leaf succulents found mostly in Mexico and Africa. Cool autumn brings out pastel leaf colors in aeonium, echeveria, kalanchoe, pachyphytum, and sedum. Most succulent bedding plants are Crassulaceae.

The columnar cactus-like plants in the African section of the upper garden, are succulent spurges (Euphorbia) and have caustic milky latex. The species most represented in the garden are native to South Africa and eastern Africa. Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii) is a leafy spiny native to Madagascar and produces colorful bracts throughout the year.

The near legendary boojum trees (Fouquieria columnaris) in the Baja Bed, native to Baja California, are rare oddities in Fouquieriaceae. The better know ocotillo (F. splendens) is in the California bed. The central garden is landscaped with numerous fouquierias from Mexico with bright red blossoms most of the year.