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In the Conservation Lab

Step inside the conservation lab with the conservators!

Lily blossom sprinkled with water droplets

Nelumbo nucifera

Let’s explore a plant that lives on the water! What do you notice? How do you think this plant has adapted to survive in its environment?

A pink lotus flower with fish swimming in the background.


Use the elements of art to guide you as you look closely at lotuses and explore how different artists have been inspired by lotuses.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Sunlight Investigation

How do different levels of sunlight influence plant growth and the structure of a habitat? Look for ways that a plant’s growth is affected by different levels of light.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Stem Investigation

What are the parts of a stem and why are these parts important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of stems and make inferences about how stems help plants grow and survive.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Soil Investigation

What is soil made of and why is it important to plants? Investigate the composition of soil by using your senses and simple tools to make inferences about why soil is important for plant growth.

Black line illustration of a plant viewed through a magnifying glass.

Seed Investigation

What are the parts of a seed and why are the parts important for plant growth and survival? Make observations about the parts and features of seeds and make inferences about how seeds help plants grow and survive.